Forums – INTERFORST 2022

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Forestry in transition—adapting to remain competitive!

These are the forums at INTERFORST 2022 in hall B6.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

© Messe München GmbH
TimeTopic areasProgram


Climate change silviculture

Presenter: Bernd Heinrich, KWF

Species choice under climate change

Referent: Dr. Tobias Mette, LWF

Afforestation but how?

Referent: Prof. Manfred Schölch, HSWT


Forestry Entrepreneur Day



Monday, July 18, 2022

© Messe München GmbH
Bayerische Waldarbeitermeisterschaft 2014
TimeTopic areasLectures


Applied digitalisation in forest harvesting operations

Presenter: Alexander Kaulen, KWF

Digitalization in the wood process chain using the example of motor-manual harvesting

Referent: Bertil Stapel, treeva

Mechanised harvesting

Speaker: Karsten Kromm, John Deere


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Purfürst, UNI Freiburg


Silviculture in Climate Change

Presenter: Bernd Heinrich, KWF

Choosing tree species that cope with climate change

Presenter: Wolfgang Falk, LWF

Silviculture and forest conversion in the context of climat change

Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Höllerl, BaySF


Silviculture in Climate Change

Presenter: Bernd Heinrich, KWF

Seed supply and plant procurement - Trends, challenges and opportunities for improvement

Speaker: Mr. Wezel, EZG

Manual planting procedures - from plant shipment reception to planting

Speaker: Josef Wolf, manual planting methods, FB Ruhpolding

Ressource oriented planting - achieving more with fewer seedlings and more care

Speaker: Matthias Hölscher, Bundesforsten


Award ceremony Georg-Ludwig-Hartig Foundation

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

© Messe München GmbH
TimeTopic areaLectures


Applied digitalisation in forest road development

Presenter: Alexander Kaulen, KWF

Data room forest and wood 4.0: The digital ecosystem Gaia-X is revolutionizing the IT-world - and the forestry industry

Speaker: Prof. Jürgen Roßmann

Optically based recording of qualitative and quantitative parameters of forest paths

Speaker: Nils Fischer, FH Erfurt

Dr. Jörg Hittenbeck

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

© Messe München GmbH


More of the same or sustainably different? Communication in forestry - panel discussion with impulse contributions


  • Dr. Eva Tendler, Waldseiten
  • Dr. Andrea Teutenberg, KWF

  • Dr. Monika Arzberger, Koiné GmbH
  • Dr. Ulrike Gaycken, Andreas Hermes Akademie
  • Nina Meyer, Press & public relations
  • Jan-Paul Schmidt, BaySF


But we have safety trainers! - Enterprise and leadership culture for prevention - panel discussion with impulse contributions

Dr. Andrea Teutenberg, KWF


  • Prevention pays off - Sure. Healthy. Together. Christian Grunwaldt, DGUV
  • Observe, spot, act - a guide for reducing the number of accidents, Klaus Klugmann, SVLFG
  • Risk competence, Henrik Habenicht, Institut für Arbeits- & Organisationspsychologie, Uni Jena
  • Ideas and impulses for the further development of the management and communication culture in occupational safety, Udo Ferber, ZdF RLP