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Where? Outdoor area FM8
Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG)
Where? Hall B6
"Sonderschauen" complement the lead subjects of the INTERFORST which address the actual developments in the forestry sector. Today, no other topic provides more worries to foresters, forest owners, contractors, or just any person who cares for forests than the question of how to deal with damaged forest areas.
Storms, extreme draught, forest fires, and bark beetles have dramatically stressed German forests over the past three years and continue challenging the whole forest sector enormously.
To face these developments, it is crucial to prepare forests against climate change by forest conversion and reforestation, with a long-term perspective. This must be based on complex individual decisions which again need to take into consideration a multiplicity of information.
This key task for the next years and decades – the required reforestation of damaged areas and the long term conversion to climate resilient forests – will be taken up by the “Sonderschau“.
In co-operation with KWF, SVLFG, DGUV, EZG a concept is established to provide answers to the multitude of questions with regards to silviculture goals, forest plant breeding and supply, “new” tree species, seeding and planting methods, ergonomics and environment protection in site preparation, but also single plant protection and last but not least the future use of digitalisation.
Together, we will face the huge challenges of reforestation and forest conversion towards creating the forests of the future.