Demonstrations – INTERFORST 2022

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These are the daily demonstrations at INTERFORST 2022:

Day, locationDemonstration

Outdoor area FM7:

You can expect razor sharp axes, flying chips and high-powered chainsaws at the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® shows! Be there when Germany's top athletes present the spectacular disciplines of the top class in logger sports and demonstrate their skills on axe and saw. In addition everyone who is interested will be offered a very special highlight: you will get the opportunity to test your own talent on the Single Buck under the guidance of a German TIMBERSPORTS® athlete. The Single Buck is a single man cross-cut saw, which is about two meters long.

Outdoor area FS11:

Bavarian Logging Regional Championship with around 100 participants from Germany and Europe.

Outdoor area FS10:

INTERFORST in conjunction with the German Agricultural Society (DLG) will present forestry and municipal technology in practice in the DLG ForstPraxis Arena located in the open-air space. On an area of well over 5,000 m² of exhibition space, companies have the opportunity of showing harvesting, skidding and special forestry machinery live in action. Both short and long log formats are available to demonstrate real life applications or to illustrate the unique advantages of the exhibited machines in operation.

Changes without notice.

Demonstrations INTERFORST 2022

© © Copyright 2022, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved
STIHL Timbersports
© © Copyright 2022, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved
Bavarian Forestry Championship. Limbing discipline. Outdoor Space FS11
© © Copyright 2022, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved
DLG-ForstPraxis-Arend. Demonstration Logset. Outdoor Space FS10